Base Functions

EcoPy contains several basic functions:

wt_mean(x, wt=None)

Calculates as weighted mean. Returns a float.

\mu = \frac{\sum x_iw_i}{\sum w_i}


x: numpy.ndarray or list
A vector of input observations
wt: numpy.ndarray or list
A vector of weights. If this vector does not sum to 1, this will be transformed internally by dividing each weight by the sum of weights


Weighted mean:

import ecopy as ep
print ep.wt_mean([1,3,5], [1,2,1])
wt_var(x, wt=None)

Calculates as weighted variance. Returns a float.

\sigma^2 = \frac{\sum w_i(x_i - \mu_w)^2}{\sum w_i}

where \mu_w is the weighted mean.


x: numpy.ndarray or list
A vector of input observations
wt: numpy.ndarray or list
A vector of weights. If this vector does not sum to 1, this will be transformed internally by dividing each weight by the sum of weights


Weighted variance:

import ecopy as ep
print ep.wt_var([1,3,5], [1,2,1])
wt_var(x, wt=None)

Returns a vector of scaled, weighted observations.

z = \frac{x-\mu_w}{\sigma_w}

where \mu_w is the weighted mean and \sigma_w is weighted standard deviation (the square root of weighted variance).


x: numpy.ndarray or list
A vector of input observations
wt: numpy.ndarray or list
A vector of weights. If this vector does not sum to 1, this will be transformed internally by dividing each weight by the sum of weights


Weighted variance:

import ecopy as ep
print ep.wt_scale([1,3,5], [1,2,1])